Of, Course we celebrated Easter. (Picture will be posted of that soon.)We went to church and then to the Chandler home for a wonderful Easter lunch. Afterwards, we took a roadtrip/fieldtrip to Seaworld (pix following)Then came Meg's birthday. Yes, our little baby turned 6. I had some really great friends help me pull off a last minute party. We had originally planned a party in the park with a picnic. However, out of nowhere it decided to get cold...really cold. It was far to cold for a day at the park (we decided that morning) so my dear friend Heather opened her home for Meg and her friends. We are so lucky to have such good friends.
Meg also got her first American Girl doll, Gwen from the family...she was very excited. Later that day she opened another one, Carissa, from Nanna and Paw.
Jona started riding lessons. Picture of her on Jiggs will post soon. For now...meet the focus of most of Jona's attention these days... this four legged pony, Jiggs. She loves the whole experience from grooming, to riding, and learning. We try to ride at least once a week. Sometimes we ride twice if the week isn't too crazy. What a cute pair they are.
She even takes Meg for a ride after her lessons. Isn't she such a sweet big sister. I love my girls!
Jona is still doing very well with the Juvenile Dermatomyositis. Praise God that she hasn't had to deal with much of it other than just our regular labs and taking our meds everyday. That is a walk in the park for her compared to all she has been through in the past.
Jona and Meg are both continueing to do very well with schoolwork. Third grade will soon be over for Jona and it will be time to get ready for fourth grade work. Meg is reading very well for kindergarten. I am so proud of them both. They are very hard workers. Wow, where did this school year go. Homeschooling is super busy with two kids but what a joy they bring me.
We have taken some field trips in the past months.
Meg was AMAZED with the orcas. You are lookingat a little girl who loves orcas so much that we have watched Free Willy 1, 2, and 3 more times than I can count...in a row... and her favorite night-night toy is a stuffed orca that, during the day, I get to babysit when she is busy. This, my friends, is the future marine biologist in our family I am sure.
We fed the dolphins. That was really fun. I didn't love the smell of the dead fish. Those of you who know me well will probably find it very funny that I let my children handle dead fish. Yeah, I know....it took me a lot of self-talk to get over the whole idea of germs and we did everything short of submerging their hands in alcohol afterwards. It was a fun time. They got to pet the dolphins and it was memories that they will never forget.

What a BIG day she had. She was a tired marine biologist after that trip.
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