Ya know, I really think that I have the best family in the world...for me anyway. Yeah, sometimes my girls are girls...filled with the emotion, energy, and that extra dash of what we like to call DRAMA...but... all the same, they are so very precious. As for my sweet hubby, he just spoils me. I find myself missing him alot, though. Jeff has been gone so much lately. We didn't think that this job would take him away as much as his last job, but I guess it is safe to say that any job in the Army is going to take you away. I will say, although it is a different kind of hard, having him home a week or two and then gone a week or two is much
Homeschooling is great. Some days it is a little overwhelming I think, both for me and my girls. However, having said that, I still would not change a single thing about choosing this path for our family. It has really worked out wonderfully for the most part...except for the days when I want to pull my hair out and the girls want to run away... :-) Just kidding.
Let me just say a thing about some friendships that I have grown very fond of. (You know who you are...) I will say that I have learned alot about friendship lately. I have learned alot about myself as well. Some people say things are situational or coincidental instead of spiritual, but I choose to believe that God orchestrated the chain of events that led me to the person I am today and to the friendships that I have developed. I have really tried to put my focus on becoming the person that God intended for me to be. In doing that, I have developed relationships with a distinct group of women that I truly cherish. These ladies inspire me, make me think, make me laugh (even when in recent days I would have prefered to cry). I get together with these ladies at least once a week for "tea" (but I prefer my coffee) and again for our "mini co-op" for homeschool. I really treasure this time with these ladies. They are such remarkable women. I just hope that they know how thankful I am to have them and that they make my heart smile. I have also made some wonderful relationships in different bible studies. Wow, it is amazing how God can work to bring women together. I have met some women that absolutely awww me. They are amazing and I have learned some really powerful lessons through the wisdom that they have shared with me.
I just got back from my parents a week ago. I love my mom and dad. I think no matter how old I become, I will always be their baby. I layed pallets of grass with my Daddy. He had no idea I could work so hard. We worked our tails off. I loved every minute of it, though. The girls love going to Nanna and Paw's because they get to ride/drive the golf cart all around "the farm".
I also got to visit with my Mam-Maw while I was visiting my parents. She is currently in a nursing home for rehab. She is making such improvements that I know she will be out of there soon. It really hurts my heart to see her there. I just love her so very much.
Well, today was a great day...as you can tell from my blog. However, all great things must come to an end and it is midnight. Morning will be here soon and my girls will need me to be on top of things. I should get some sleep. We will see what tomorrow will bring. Hopefully, it will be as wonderful as today.
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