S0 my first change in my chain of events started with a very close friend moving to DC. We are close and chances are good that if I don't get to move to Germany, I will move to the DC area for Jeff's job. We also get to chat all the time and she is coming to visit me this month to do our annual Women of Faith weekend.
If I wasn't sad enough, only a couple of months later another very close friend moved...and if moving wasn't enough, they had to REALLY move....into another country. It is already in our budget to visit Germany within the year. I feel a little better now. Jeff promised me and the kids that Germany will happen and we will have a BLAST! I am so excited. He is too considering that Tony is someone he considers a very close friend AND my kids love their kids so it makes it easy for Heather and I to get excited about this visit. I cannot wait to taste the rich coffee and see lush greenery and walk on brick streets and visit local markets. I have never been to another country so it will be so wonderful and such an experience. That week they left was so sad not only because they were leaving BUT Jeff decided to take off too. Well, he would have preferred to stay but the Army had different plans. So... four days after the Chandlers leave me, my sweet hubby heads back to Iraq for his third overseas tour. At least this deployment is only six months. That is so much better than the 12 months and 15 months he has done before.
But the blessings still flow as I am fortunate enough to have some very good friends still here with me... Thank you, God. Jennifer and Keri will probably do very well in keeping me sane. I love those girls. They really make me smile.
The kidos have been busy as well...
Jona still has her braces and teeth coming in while baby teeth do not want to fall out. Dr. Barron, her orthodontist, has come up with a system to get these teeth out without us having to pull any. He puts a band around the tooth that doesn't want to come out and pushes it down to the gum. Apparently, the way this works is that it puts pressure on the gums to help it let go of the tooth. It is somewhat painful for a couple of days for Jona but the tooth loosens up in no time. We are still waiting for it to come out.
As posted before, Jona had a great visit with Dr. Perez. We did labs just before Jeff left and they were great. We are now about to start coming off the experimental drug for this disease. It has seemed to be her magic pill. This will be the first time since diagnosis at age 2 that we will hopefully have no medicine. Jona is a little nervous about weaning off this med so pray for her. We'll see how it goes. We should be completely off by Christmas if we have no relapse during this process.
Meg...my sweet Meg...she has decided to ride horses now. She no longer wants to take tumbling. She has wanted to ride for a while but I have been putting it off because she is still only 6 years old. She is also a very young 6 at that. She is super energetic and fun but I am not sure that she is calm enough for riding. However, Jona gave up riding Jiggs (the Shetland Pony) to start riding George (the quarterhorse that is a retired race horse). As you can imagine I am a little nervous. Jiggs weighs 600 lbs and my little wild Meg weighs 3o lbs. Jona is a mere 75 lbs. while George is over 1150 lbs. Those numbers scare me. However, my girls have a love of animals and what kind of mother would I be if I didn't allow them to at least try something that they love... or think they love.
Jona has been riding a couple of months and I must say that she has really taken it seriously. She is fascinated by these 4 legged friends. Lee, her instructor, says she was made for a horse.
Meg, on the other hand...whose in charge, Meg or Jiggs?!?!? Poor baby, she is motivated. She has only had 3 lessons. The first lesson Meg accidently let her foot out of the stirrup and it hit Jiggs in the hip. He thought that ment GO so he WENT. I have never seen a pony move so fast. My heart dropped to my feet, but Lee is good. She took off after him and grabbed Meg who by this point was half off the saddle. Poor Lee had one arm around Meg and the other pulling back on Jiggs. Either all three of them were going down or Lee was going to win. The winner was... Lee, of course. Meg's second lesson went great. At Meg's third lesson she had just finished tacking up Jiggs and was going to get ready to ride when he stepped on her foot. He had no clue and was literally standing on her foot. She broke down and was in much pain but luckily nothing was broke. Even through all of this that girl still wants to ride. Her love stands true so far.
So, with all of this going on, I must just say... God is great and change is good!
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