Thursday, August 12, 2010

Movin' on a new state - that is. Hello Maryland.

Well, I am not believing that I have not blogged in a year. I have been so 'overwhelmed' - I guess in getting ready to move, moving, and then moving in. It is a long process...perhaps not a year's worth.

Alot has happened in a year. Where to start...

Great news first - Jona is, for the first time in 8 years, finally off all meds related to Juvenile Dermatomyositis. I really do pray that we go into remission and one day we will not even be able to spell 'Dermatomyositis'. She is 10 now and WOW! She has grown in so many ways. I was telling a new friend of mine, my new neighbor across the street, Amy, that I think in the beginning we get the kids to sleep through the night and we rejoice because 'it will finally get easier' then we hit terrible two's and thrilling three's and we again say 'it will finally get easier'. I do believe now that she is 10 I can honestly say, and not because she is a bad girl - because she is a true joy - but EVERY age has it's challenges. I am now in the "double digit" age/ tween times... Let me just say "IT WILL GET BETTER". I am the little engine that could! Jona, though, is such a sweet girl. If we didn't have hormones I think it would be close to perfect. She is wise beyond her years, though. There is something to be said for having to grow up and mature really fast. I just hate that the ugly JDM disease had to be what made it happen. I guess I should thank God, though, that it was nothing worse. I love that girl.

My precious Meg is growing up too. She is 7 now. I think it is time to put a book on her head and keep her little. She has been growing physically and emotionally. She is having alot of firsts in this house already. Just in the time we have been here she has lost her first tooth and learned to ride her bike with no training wheels...go MEG! We are, however, still having separation issues. She does NOT like to be away from Momma. We thought we were doing really well with the "I AM A BIG GIRL" sleeping arrangements. The last part of our stay in Texas she did always sleep with me (her and Jona) because Jeff was gone to Iraq & Afghanistan, but when she got her new room here in Maryland - well, for a minute we hit the jackpot. She loved it. We have been her now about 8 weeks. THE NEW HAS WORN OFF! As I type this, at midnight (the only quite down time seen in the Strauss House) my sweet Meg is fast asleep almost on top of me. I know one day this time will be gone so I should cherish it. All too soon the day will come when she will want nothing to do with me. Having said that, the phase Meg is in now is .... well .... BitterSWEET!

Jeff's job here in Maryland is keeping him SO BUSY! In busy, I mean, with travel. I have to say, though, even though having him home just long enough to get used to him and then him leave again for a day or two or ten has it's challenges, I praise GOD it is not a deployment. Bless his heart, he, like so many of our soldiers, have seen not one, not two, but three (some even more) deployments. Anything is better than another one of those.

We love our new home and have made some really sweet friends here. We miss our Texas friends terribly, though. I must say too that I have done a horrible, terrible, no good, very bad job at keeping in touch. So, Jennifer, Anna, Keri, and Heather, if you read this...know I think of you daily. I so miss our teas. We just have such crazy lives with hubbys and kids that it makes it hard when we are so far apart...but my goal is to get much that we are somewhat settled in this new home. Just know that even if you do not hear from me everyday, you are in my thoughts everyday.

Now...welcome to our new home:

come on in....

Formal Dining Room

Morning Room/Breakfast Room

Formal Living Room

This takes care of most of the downstairs with the exception of the kitchen and the family room. Both of those pictures I just forgot to take. I will post them later. The upstairs is where all the bedrooms are...that too will come later. Once they are 'company ready'. We also have a basement. Jeff is in the process of finishing it. I will take some pictures to post later. I should take picture of the process...